Shutdown easily:
Right click on the desktop, click New> Shortcut.
In the location field; type “shutdown.exe -s -t 00″
(without the quotes), name it Shut Down, and click Finish. Right click the
shortcut, click ‘Pin to Start’. Press the Winkey to go to the Start screen,
press the’ shutdown shortcut, and good night!
Press Winkey+PrintScreen, the
screen will dim for a second, and a full screen screens hot will be saved in a
Screenshots folder in the Pictures library.
Create app
If you want to categorize apps on the start screen,
just click and drag an app into another group, or create a new group by simply
dragging the app in between two groups, or drag it to the left or right extreme
end. Now you can add more apps to this group!
Name an app
On pressing the little dash at the bottom left of
the start screen, you’ll see a zoomed-out view of all your app groups.
Click a group, and an option to name the group will pop up from the bottom.”
Click a group, and an option to name the group will pop up from the bottom.”
Pin a site to the
Start screen:
This is for quick access to a website. Open
Internet Explorer from the Start screen, open a site that you want to pin, and
press the button that looks like a pushpin (hit right click if the bottom bar
doesn’t show up). Name it whatever you want, and a tile will be created on the’
start screen. Then you can move it to any app group as explained above.
Refresh your
Every once in a while, we need to “reinstall
Windows”. That is no longer necessary. Click the Settings charm, click Change
PC Settings, click General, scroll down and click the ‘Refresh your PC without
affecting your files’ option. This will keep all your files intact despite
giving Windows an overhaul.
Set a picture
Although it’s a simple one, most users wouldn’t
have done it yet. Make sure you already have a password set. Go to PC settings
from the Settings charm, click Users, and click Create a Picture Password (if
you don’t know what that is, a simple Google search would help you out).
Run Modern UI and
Classic apps side by side:
Open a Modern UI app, and then switch to another
app (or to the desktop). Move your cursor at the top left corner of the screen,
and drag the other app to the right 0f the screen to snap it in place. This
way, you can have Twitter open either side of the desktop while you work!